
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

As a church, we fulfill our part of God’s redemptive mission by sharing Christ in every place, in every way, to everyone. We tell others about Jesus through evangelism. We show people who Jesus is by showing mercy to those in need, by showing love to our neighbors, and by laboring faithfully in our God-given vocations. We help build His Kingdom by planting churches, campus ministries, and Christian schools as well as partnering with other Gospel-centric ministries. We organize these efforts into three categories: city, home, and global.
“The mission of God is to restore the creation and the life of humanity from the ravages of sin. The church’s function in this story is to participate in God’s mission; we are to be caught up in God’s own work of restoration and healing. This defines the identity and role of the church.” (Michael Goheen)


The Home Missions Committee (HMC) of Covenant Church provides financial and other forms of support for new churches (“church plants”), including those in the St. Louis area as well as in Lewiston, Maine, Salt Lake City, Utah and a ministry to Russians and Jews in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. HMC also offers regular financial and prayer support for campus ministries such as Southwest Missouri State (Campus Crusade) and University of Missouri, University of Virginia, University of Pittsburgh, University of Utah and Washington University (all with Reformed University Fellowship). It also supports International Students Inc. in its ministry to international students in Washington State and Sports Outreach Group in its work among immigrant youth from all over the world. HMC meets (approximately) monthly and welcomes any inquiries.
Get involved with the Home Missions Committee!
John Dawson  •  314.432.8700  •  dawsontranslations@gmail.com


The City Missions Committee supports and coordinates outreach efforts in the city of St. Louis, in partnership with New City Fellowship (South) and Restore St. Louis (LINK). This committee provides opportunities to tutor children, befriend immigrants and refugees, and work on various construction and clean-up projects.

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